10 - 12 Miles
Moderate Hike

I have not actually walked this trail as such although I have walked most parts of it.

There is a full description at http://shereparishcouncil.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/shere_millen... (or search for Shere Parish Milennium Trail)
This description starts the walk at Peaslake as a figure of eight. You could also park at Shere Recreation ground car park for the northern most section and Holmbury hill car park for the southern section.

10 - 12 Miles
Moderate Hike

A relatively flat 10 mile ish walk taking in the river Wey/Wey Navigation and Whitmore common. A pleasant lunch stop on the hill in Whitmore common and a nice pub stop by the river. This walk follows the E2 European Long Distance route along the river/navigation and the Fox Way for much of the walk.
